Friday, September 30, 2011


 I've started my project for final year now, a little bit scary but it's keeping me busy at least! I've always been fascinated with repaired items, especially when the repairs stand out, it sort of illustrates their story, and leaves you wondering why they were repaired, or how they came to be damaged etc. At first I collected an image bank of repaired items, to try and illustrate why I feel that they are visually appealing.
I also started looking at other artists and designers who repair and re-use materials, to help me see how I could incorporate this idea into my work like Vik Gramacho, who used the rubbish from the Jardim Gramacho dump to create images of the people who work there
I wasn't sure how to continue my research; I had a bank of images and wasn't sure how to get away from just taking pictures; so then I decided to make my own repairs. I bought a china doll and dropped her from a window, then stuck her back together to go through the entire process of breaking and repairing something, piece by piece.

This gave me a whole new set of ideas to explore, playing with the concept of repairing something, and now I have started to mix up my repairs, making do with other objects or repairing things 'incorrectly' to see how it can change people's perception of the objects.

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